The Institute of Environmental Training, IET
Asbestos Training
From the panhandle to the valley, from El Paso to the Piney woods of east Texas, we are Texans training Texans in the asbestos industry. Offering instruction in both English and Spanish with a flare towards TexMex.
Schedule Asbestos Courses
Over 30 Years of Experience
Asbestos Worker
32 hrs / 4 Days
This Asbestos Worker training course is for any individual who perform removal or repair of asbestos on asbestos abatement projects and/or asbestos O&M projects. All asbestos removal activities must be supervised by a certified asbestos Contractor/Supervisor.
Asbestos Inspector
This Asbestos Inspector training course accredits individuals to assess the condition of asbestos material and report the results. Any person who performs the tasks involved in the asbestos survey, identification and assessment of the condition of asbestos and asbestos material, or who is involved in the collection of bulk samples of asbestos material for laboratory analysis, needs this training.
Asbestos Management Planner
16 Hrs / 2 Days
This Asbestos Management Planner training course accredits individuals who are already certified inspectors to develop asbestos Management Plans (MP) for buildings. Currently, the EPA only requires management plans for buildings owned and operated by public schools to comply with the AHERA requirements as well as ASHARA. Many states have additional requirements that govern the Management Planner and his/her duties.
Asbestos Project Designer
24 hrs / 3 days
This Asbestos Project Designer training course is for any individual who develop written design specification for the abatement of asbestos containing building materials in buildings and or cleanup of contaminated sites and O&M projects.
Specialized Asbestos Training
Our instructors are actively making a living within the asbestos industry and as such give real life experience to each class they teach. We don’t just regurgitate words from a book, we teach the book, real world practices, and procedures.
Texas Professionals
Since the late 80’s and including today we offer asbestos training classes anywhere in the state of Texas. IET was licensed in the mid 90’s by the state of Texas to teach various asbestos classes. In the last 30 years we have in fact trained thousands of students and conducted classes in every major city in Texas.
13 Asbestos Courses
From the panhandle to the valley, from El Paso to the Piney woods of east Texas, we are Texans training Texans in the asbestos industry. We offer instruction in both English and Spanish with a flare towards TexMex.

EPA Certified
The Institute of Environmental Training, Inc. was established in 1989 and accredited by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Asbestos training classes. We provide training and certification for across Texas.